The real magic of this walk is in the secret paths, the wild meadows, the unexpected beech glades and the yew groves of Fetcham Downs. Bocketts Farm, near Leatherhead has a quite delightful tearoom housed in an 18th-century barn, really much more than a tearoom since it serves substantial hot snacks. It is open every day, all year round. For more information and a larger map, please visit

1. Exit the car park at the far end and turn right by some big friendly “cows”. You are now on a fine broad track which is surfaced at the start. In about 100m, ignore a wide path that forks right. Soon the trees on the right give way to a small meadow and you have the pleasing sight on your right of Roaringhouse Farm (so named because it lies in a windy gap) with its fine old granary. Soon you come to a wide crossing track with a seat. Keep straight ahead on the same winding track with woodland on both sides. In 200m, look to your left for a wooden barrier and a very small signpost.

2. Turn left through the barrier, up into woods. Your path quickly emerges into an open grassy area and goes straight up to a T-junction, curving right to run beside an expanse of woodland on your left. After the corner of the wood, bear left with the path and follow it across the centre of a grassy space, with great views of the London skyline to your left. Head for a lonely silver birch with two trunks. (Don’t confuse it with another birch tree and a seat further to your left next to the wood.) Continue onwards to the other side of the open space to enter another small wood, through a narrow gap, veering left. Follow a path through this narrow strip of woodland and go out the other side. Pass through the gap in the fence and into a wild meadow with those mild-mannered belted cattle grazing peacefully. Follow the path ahead for 30m to reach a crosspaths at another wooden post.
Decision point: If you are in a hurry for drinks and snacks and therefore doing the quick circuit (3 km=2 miles), skip to near the end of this text and do the section called Open Woods Shortcut.

3. Go straight over the crossing path and continue following the left-hand side of the wild meadow as it gradually narrows. In the far corner, entering trees, go through a wooden barrier, keep straight on for 25m and turn left on a wide horse path. In only 30m, fork right on a wide path, going through a wooden barrier.

4. This path will take you through stunningly beautiful woodland, one of the secret delights of this area. At first, your path goes through a coppice (now cut down). It then curves right through a translucent clearing with tall pines and oaks. Keep following the path, visible beneath your feet, as it exits the clearing through a wide gap, passing a fine tall oak tree in another smaller clearing. Your path wheels left through woodland on a very wide course and then gradually becomes narrower. You now go through a light area of bracken. Don’t worry if the bracken is rather dense: just follow the winding path along the right-hand side of the light area, with darker woodland on your right. It leads down finally to a very wide horse path.

5. Turn left on this wide path, a looping horse ride with views (in winter at least). Your path runs under more beautiful beeches, curves left and bends left again at a junction. On your right are a signposted footpath and a viewpoint with a seat.
Decision point: If you would like to take a simpler route through open pastures to Bocketts Farm by the ‘back door’, skip to near the end of this text and do the section called Valley Meadows Route. The distance is about the same as for the main route. You may pass some cute shy heifers along the way.
Continue round left on the main path, soon passing an info tablet about Norbury Park Management. Your path enters woodland again and reaches a 3-way junction with a farm gate and pastures on your right. Veer right here on a wide path which runs through woods with the pastures on your right.

6. The path descends gently into a yew grove and continues over tree roots, with the pastures still visible on your right. Finally, after ½ km on this woodland path, you come to a T-junction just beneath a sheep meadow. Turn right here on a wide track. Follow the track for 200m. (If muddy, there is a drier parallel path on your left.) Go straight past the big car park until you reach the concrete crossing path which is the main entrance to Bocketts Farm. Turn right here for loos, tearoom, shop, goose enclosure, herb garden and (for an entrance fee) the Farm Park itself with lots of extras.

7. After your visit, exit by the main entrance, follow signs for the car park and keep straight ahead on a pedestrian walkway. Bear left as directed into a large field (which is also an overflow carpark). Continue uphill until you eventually reach the top of the fields. Merge back onto the tarmac lane just before the big friendly “cows” and into the Norbury Park car park, where the walk began.

Open Woods Shortcut:
Do this section if you are completing the quick circuit (3 km=2 miles). Turn left at the crossing path and follow the path with a livestock fence on your right as it traverses the length of the open wild meadow. The path stays close to the shrubs and thin woodland on your right and gradually curves right. After 200m on this path, go through a protected gap in the electric fence immediately entering a woodland of brambles, yews, ash and birch, passing a memorial plaque. Your path goes up a shallow bank and enters beechwoods. Keep straight ahead to reach a one-bar barrier bearing the name Walnut Tree Clump and quickly arrive at a wide horse path. Turn left on this path which immediately curves right towards open pastures and a farm gate. Turn sharp left here on a path which runs through woods with the pastures on your right. Now re-join the main walk at section 6 .

Valley Meadows Route:
Do this section if you are completing the longer option through the valley instead of along the woodland path. Turn right in the bend, just before the seat, on a narrower path, in the direction of the little marker post, beside a disused wooden gate. Follow the path straight on downhill, getting gradually steeper. Finally, after nearly 400m, your path discharges you through a wooden swing-gate into a large open meadow with great views ahead of the Mole Valley, with sweeping green meadows and Leatherhead church in the distance. Turn left along the upper edge of the meadow. Continue to the far top corner and here go left and over astile next to a large wooden gate. Follow the wide path between fences. It leads in 350m straight into Bocketts Farm with loos on your right and the café straight ahead. After your visit, re-join the main walk at section 7.

DISTANCE: 2 miles or 2½ miles MAP: Explorer 146 (Dorking)
START: the walk begins at the free Fetcham car park by the road leading to Bockett’s Farm, just by the roundabout on the A246, nearest postcode isw KT22 9BW.

Image: Fetcham Downs on the Norbury Park estate (Peter Trimming)
