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How does Science relate to God?
Misconceptions about ourselves and the world we live in are often corrected by advances in science. These advances bring paradigm shifts to our ways of thinking and understanding existence — like discovering that the earth revolves around the sun, rather than the other way around. Nikkii O’Hagan, international speaker and practitioner of Christian Science healing will explore more in her talk “The Science of God and its power to transform us.”
The current scientific model leaves many questions unanswered and has some thinkers and scientists questioning if it is still the right model. It is interesting to consider if the time has now come for another major paradigm shift in science. This paradigm shift in thought begins with the questions – how does science relate to God and is there a science that explains God?
O’Hagan will address these questions and show how the Science of God explains Jesus’ healings, and teachings, makes God knowable and understandable, and provides humanity with a safe and reliable means for caring for ourselves and each other.
She will also share some of her own experiences of the transforming, healing power of God gained through understanding this science of God, or Christian Science. She will explain how this healing happens, and what role consciousness plays in the process.
O’Hagan will also touch on the life of Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science who came to understand, confirm, and teach what she felt was original Christian healing. Eddy herself said she was especially inspired by Jesus’ demand, “He that believes on me, the works that I do will he do also; and greater works than these will he do, because I go unto my Father” (found in the Gospel of John 14:12 in the Bible).
Nikki O’Hagan grew up in South Africa where she gained a love for being outdoors and enjoying the beauty and promise of nature. She looks forward to sharing with others, through the lecturing work she does as a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, the subjects most precious and dear to her heart: God and Christian Science. Nikki travels internationally from her home base in Southern Ireland.
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