Shaped by COVID-19 policies and concerns, the UK workforce is becoming gradually more remote. The number of businesses committing to a remote workforce is growing in number just as alternatives to the traditional office setting become a key talking point. But, for many, careers have been developed and nurtured in an office, surrounded by peers, and where routines can help keep productivity and efficiency grounded.

Yet, with changes afoot, learn these valuable tips from leading cybersecurity experts ramsac on how to stay secure and protect your devices and data whilst your for workforce is remote.

Staying Cybersecure during COVID
Thinking about cybersecurity in times of transition can be a helpful first step in guiding the kinds of safety policies your business might adopt.

Consider the following:

  • How are you planning on staying connected?
  • Where is your team connecting from?
  • Is their home (or alternative) connection safe and secure?

Remote users connecting to your system can tempt risk. The security of your internal systems is only as safe as the other devices connecting to it. Whenever access is granted to your internal system, it’s worth reflecting on the security measures that prevent costly and damaging breaches.

Cybercriminals treat vulnerabilities in your system as opportunities to compromise potentially confidential and sensitive information that could upset your business’ operational success. During COVID-19, your cybersecurity should be a high priority as scams have seemingly multiplied. With those connecting remotely, using private devices, and potentially unsecure connections, could trouble your operation. Best practices are designed to mitigate the risks of managing a remote workforce, ensuring that your business is safeguarded against harmful breaches.

Remote Access
Technology has, for the most part, enabled many to remain connected. Many applications are now cloud-based, too. This makes remote working easier and more convenient because employees can access their work from remote locations, such as their home offices. Yet, this presents a risk to the safety of your internal systems.

Ensure that access is monitored and permission is strict, where remote employees should be connecting securely to work systems.

With many remote workers all connecting into your central, on-site system, this could place undue strain on connectivity, resulting in slow-downs and an inefficient operation. You’ll need to consider the kinds of equipment on-site and how well it can handle outside use, ensuring that connectivity isn’t compromising the working experience for those who are remote.

Anti-virus for remote workers
For most, a quality anti-virus policy is the first step in ensuring appropriate and sensible security for all devices and users. Yet, working from home can be risky without layering your devices behind adequate walls of protection. Consider a licensing agreement whereby remote workers can access a strong anti-virus product away from the office, too. Free anti-virus software isn’t always a suitable alternative, as your level of security may be uncertain. Provide all devices – those in the office, and those remote – with an anti-virus product to ensure compliance with best practice.

Data protection
From their home offices, it’s worth considering the kinds of data your staff is generating and where and how it’s being stored. The solution, if possible, would be better suited to using a cloud service. If not, consider local backup on external hard drives. In all scenarios, the safety and security of data is paramount.

Insurance considerations
As your remote workforce uses their homes to fulfil working duties and responsibilities, you may need to consider insurance implications. In particular, your staff will still need to be complaint with health and safety regulation.

Businesses large and small are rethinking the role of the office in their everyday operations. COVID-19 has created a world of concern, including economic and social panic. But, with all the concern, businesses may miss the crucial step of remaining cybersecure. Keeping abreast of cybersecurity as it changes and shapes around new threats during COVID-19 is a high priority.

You can find out more about cybersecurity from our resources at ramsac.
