Having agreed in November 2023 to award a little over £50,000 of UK Shared Prosperity Funding amongst ten community organisations, Mole Valley District Council is once again inviting applications from Mole Valley charities, voluntary, community and not-for-profit groups as part of a further round of this funding opportunity.

 The UKSPF Community Capacity Building and Infrastructure Support Grant Scheme (CCBISGS) is one of the funding opportunities made available by Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) for charities, voluntary, community and not-for-profit groups operating in the district. The scheme uses money provided by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

This next round of funding – and the third offered since it was established in 2022/23 – is open for online applications from Monday 8th January to Sunday 3rd March 2024. With £50,838 available for revenue applications, the scheme supports projects that, for example, increase volunteering, improve town and village centres, enhance the cultural, historic or heritage offer, increase participation in community activities and help to reduce crime. Visit the website for eligible criteria and the online application form.

Councillor Bridget Kendrick, Cabinet Member for Finance and Deputy Leader, said: “We are delighted to be able to offer this funding opportunity for the third time now. As seen in the list of successful applicants in the previous rounds of funding – and all their respective projects – the money received goes a long way towards boosting the delivery of a range of initiatives that will benefit local communities. If you are a member of a community group or organisation in need of a funding boost to support your work, please do check our website for more information on the financial help available”.
